How to Pick Ripe Advocados

Avocados can be expensive considering their size and weight. However, avocados contain folate, potassium, monosaturated fats and are very high in fiber.

An avocado contains a solid 731 calories and over 30 grams of fat. Despite these drawbacks, nutritionists 
say adding a little avocado to your diet each day packs a beneficial punch that outweighs the fat and calories.

The monosaturated fats in avocados contain oleic acid which has been found to improve fat levels in the body and help control diabetes. By using avocados as their primary source of fat in the diet, diabetes sufferers can lower their triglycerides by up to 20%. In addition to being helpful to those with diabetes, the monosaturated fats in avocados are good for lowering cholesterol. 

Avocados also contain 30% more potassium than a banana. Potassium is beneficial to the body by lowering the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and cancer. 

All of that said, when you buy an avocado and they are all ready brown on the inside and useless, it can be pretty frustrating. Here is quick tip on how to buy ripe Avocados.

The squeeze test: Pick up an avocado and give it a light squeeze. A ripe avocado should be firm but give just a little.

An under ripe avocado will be hard, like a stone. They're hard to scoop out or mash up. These aren’t a bad purchase if you plan to wait a week or so before you use them.

An over ripe avocado will give easy when you give it the squeeze test, and will feel pretty mushy. 90% of the times these avocados, when you cut them open, will be Brown and half rotten on the inside. Avoid the soft mushy avocados and your chances of picking a good one increase dramatically.

As you can see, the benefits of avocados are significant. If you’re still worried about fat, search for Florida grown avocados. They contain about 2/3 the calories and half the fat of California grown avocados. Also, stick with those harvested between November and March; they contain 1/3 the fat of those picked earlier in the season.

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