Sugar Rehab...with Crush

So this is it!...Starting tomorrow, I'll be eliminating sugar and alcohol from June 1st through July 1st. I'll decide if they will return to my diet again afterward.
It would be really nice to be completely OFF of sugar once and for all, but what are the chances? Well, I'm confident that I can get to the point where I no longer crave anything sweet.

I feel the need to push myself to my next level in health. Today being the Memorial Day holiday, I'll have a few beers and maybe a few cookies and or a slice of cake. This may not sound like much to some and may sound like some sort of "model" diet to others. To me, it will be 'back to basics' with a focus on total control of cravings, blood sugar, muscle definition and mental focus.

Since sugar is in almost everything we eat in small amounts, the combination of fruits like bananas and sweet vegetables like carrots will be part of my diet in soups, smoothies and raw.

Juice Hugger "Go-go Green" and " Goji Green Tea" will be regular beverages to ensure I'm getting enough greens each day as well as antioxidants and amino acids.

I may post entries multiples times a day or maybe every few days. It depends on where I am in my development. I encourage you to follow my progress and any tips, advice or encouragement you're willing to offer would be greatly appreciated.

More love,

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