"Wake Up Call" : How You're Helping Your Kids Get Fat

The childhood obesity problem in the United States is alarming. When I pass by a school yard or play ground, I am always shocked at how large the kids are in comparison to when I was a child. As parents, I know that you are trying to do your best in this fast food world, but giving it to you straight, those trips to McDonald's or that lollipop for a "job well done" can be indoctrinating your child into a life time of weight issues by teaching them that unhealthy food is a reward. On a daily basis, my company, Juice Hugger (www.juicehugger.com) gives out useful information on our Twitter, Facebook and MySpace pages about how to achieve a healthier food dynamic for you and your family. Here is JuiceHugger's Top Five List of "Wake Up Call" facts you may not be aware of to help you to make more conscious life style choices to aid in maintaining  your family's overall health. Making some adjustments to your approach to food can change your life.

1. Additives and preservatives such as common food dyes and sodium benzoate can cause children to become more hyperactive & easily distracted. High levels of sodium, sugar, and/or fat in processed food can also reduce their ability to taste these flavors naturally. The more they indulge in anything from a bag of chips to a convenient frozen dinner, the less taste they will have for whole, fresh foods. Artificial flavors in foods aimed at kids can be twice as sweet as the artificial flavors used in adult food. This is why reading food labels and proactively staying away from high fructose corn syrup, additives and preservatives is so important.

2. Lack of sleep can lead people to consume more sugary foods and more calories during the day. Hormones that are released during sleep control appetite and the body's use of energy. People who don't get enough sleep have insulin and blood sugar levels that are similar to those in people who are likely to have diabetes. Aim for 8 hours of quality sleep each night.

3. Chicken from a fast food chain has 6 times the calories of raw chicken consisting of meat and skin due to how its prepared. Baking, stewing, or grilling your chicken at home is the best way to ensure that you aren't eating empty calories. Fast food may be saving you time but at what cost?

4. Eating at the table will make you eat less impulsively and force you to pay more attention to your food choices. Try to start most meals with a large salad or bowl of broth-based soup. Filling up on low calorie foods will help you avoid binging on the fats and carbs to follow.

5. It's not just what you eat, its also who much of it. Using small plates will help to regulate portions. Studies show that people feel equally as full from a small plate of food as a large one. American meal portions are sometimes double what is recommended.

BONUS * Watered down juices go under a variety of names: Orange juice drink, orange drink, orange flavored drink and orange juice blend. Some of these juice substitutes contain just as much sugar as soda.

I hope that these and future information about how to make simple changes to your eating patterns will help you and your family become their best selves.

Much love,

Crush & Keelo
