Make 1 Quick Change

So much talk about living green these days.  It can be overwhelming.  Where do I start?  What is it going to cost me?  How can I change?  What do I change?


Baby steps. Baby steps.  Make it easy!  I have begun taking small steps to detoxifying my home and my body.  It is definitely a process.

So here is 1 quick change…

Remove the toxins in your home from everyday cleaners.  Simply change brands!  Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?  Anything that comes into contact with your skin can then get into your bloodstream…or your children’s.

I started with the GET CLEAN STARTER KIT and SCOUR OFF.

get clean kit

scour off

Simple, easy, and will save me over $3000!  It’s concentrated form is environmentally friendly with reduced packaging and recyclable materials. 

Check out the Cost Comparison Sheet to compare the price with other brands.  For example, our concentrated Basic H2 will make a window, all-purpose and degreaser cleaner.  This chart alone is reason enough to switch brands.  Who doesn’t want or NEED to save money right now?  Did you see the cost of the window cleaner?  Less than 1c per gallon!  That’s crazy good!

I found Shaklee looking for green and safe cleaners to use in my cleaning business. The catch was, they had to WORK and they had to be cost effective.  I didn’t want my profits eaten in purchasing supplies.  I could no longer do my job due to the poisoning from the chemicals.  It was make me physically ill.  It sounds cheesy, but it’s true for me….these Changed My Life!

Oprah uses them too.  Here is a quick video of her with our CEO Roger Barnett.

CEO Roger Barnett

Scary right?!  I can’t even imagine their nightmare and am glad their son is ok.

Purchase these today and get it shipped directly to you.  Make a quick change for you and your family.

Contact me at before you order to receive additional savings on this offer only with Claire’s Healthy Home.

Then go HERE to ‘like’ me on facebook.

Stay tuned for my upcoming vlog series Claire’s Quick Clean Tips.  I am so excited about this!!

To your Health,

