Works for Me!

Hello and welcome to the first Works for Me story.

I love hearing from satisfied clients and (with their permission) will be sharing their great stories with all of you too.

For our first one, I would like to give a shout out to Hair by Jeneane.  Jeneane is a hair and color stylist and LOVES the Get Clean glass cleaner made from the Basic H2 super organic concentrate.  She uses it with this microfiber cloth as well.

Here is a cute picture of her…


Here is what Jeneane has to say…

“This is the BEST product I have EVER found to get my salon mirrors to sparkle and shine!”

Wow!  Thanks for the review, Jeneane.  I would imagine have a super clean mirror is pretty important in a salon.

If you live in the Clackamas county area in Oregon and are in need of a fabulous hair stylist…contact me and I will give you her number.  I personally use her and she is the best.

Have a blessed day,

