Fitness Friday

Getting this up a bit late due to Christmas family time.  However, I think it’s good timing after all the yummy holiday trimmings!

I am so thankful to have Rachelle as a contributor to encourage us all in the area of fitness.  Here she is with her tips for us this week……

My favorite magazine is Runner's World.  After I read it, I always feel  pumped.  They have something called "The Excuse and How to Beat it" where they give a common excuse that people use for not running and how to conquer it.  Here is the "Fit Life" version.


"I'm too tired"

So is everyone.  We are all tired, but if we make exercise a part of our day, we will gain more energy and sleep better at night so that we can be fresh tomorrow.

"I'm too busy"


Again, so is everyone.  We all have busy lives and feel overwhelmed at times.  If we don't put our health at the top of our list, we won't be healthy to actually live our lives.

"My leg hurts"

Like I said in "No Excuses", I am dealing with overuse injuries and that can be hard.  This is a great opportunity to try something new.  I have been doing pilates and spin class as alternate ways to exercise while I heal my feet.  If a part of your body is injured try working your abs/arms/glutes, whatever you can to stay active.

"All my workout clothes are dirty"

Grab the old nerdy shorts and that worn out t-shirt from 1990 and wear it proudly!  If you are too embarrassed to go to the gym in it, do your favorite Jane Fonda video at home.  Sweating is sweating.

"The kids are out of socks, I need to get the laundry done"

Been here myself.  Throw in a quick load and go for a run while they wash.  Your workout doesn't have to take all day.  If you only have time to get in 20 minutes, get your 20 minutes in.  Increase that heart rate and get your sweat on!

"I don't feel good"

This one is a little trickier.  The rule of thumb is sick from the neck up, go for the run, neck down, take a rest. Listen to your body.  If you really feel bad, go back to bed.  If you are just dealing with the sniffles, go ahead and workout.  Don't overdo it, but a little sweat won't hurt and it may just boost your immune system.

"I'm too out of shape, it's going to hurt"

You have to get healthy sometime,  why not today?  What do you want out of life?  Do you want to sit on the couch while your kids/friends/etc. are out hiking/biking/playing at the park, or do you want to participate in life?  Do you want to lay in bed sick or do you want to be healthy and active?  Start today and never look back.  I have to be honest, there may be something wrong with me, but the day after a workout, if I'm not sore, I'm disappointed.  I want to know that I have worked my muscles to the max.  Soreness means you have worked hard and your body is getting stronger!

So there you go.  These are just a few excuses that I have heard (mostly from myself) and ways to beat them.  What are some of the excuses you give to keep yourself from getting your sweat on?  How do you conquer the excuse monster?

Are you Livin the Fit Life?

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WOW!  I have several of those in my head.  The loudest one is ‘I’m too busy.”  I totally can relate to the pic of post-it notes.

How about you?  Which excuse do you identify the most with?  Let us know in the comments so we can encourage each other!

Thanks Rachelle!


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Fitness Friday #2

Fitness Friday #1 
