My Weight Success: Update & Invitation

I wanted to give you an update and a very special invitation.

Here is my Before picture.  It was really hard to find one of me.  Apparently I was behind the camera for most of our family photos.


Here I am down 15 lbs….I actually had to buy new pants.  Whoohoo!  I went down 2 sizes and several inches!  I feel so much better and have a lot more energy.


I am excited to invite you all to check out the Healthy Body plan!   I hope you will join me  for encouragement and inch loss.  This really helps me stay on track! 

waist measure tape 

Here are the details 

*Menu planning help

*Delicious shakes

*Fitness tips

*Team support & coaching

*Prizes for meeting your goals

HERE is more information on the Cinch Inch Loss Plan….the ONLY proven plan to retain your muscle while burning fat.

HERE is a video, too.

{Must be on at least one Cinch product.  For best results use them all together. THIS is the starter kit.   Also, stay tuned for a NEW CINCH SPECIAL coming very soon!}

Let’s share in the journey together!

Let me know in the comments below or send me an email ( and reserve your spot today.

I am so looking forward to experiencing this with you all.

