The Every Day Vegetable

You guessed it. And I'm not talking frozen. Fresh and organic. Keep a few packs or bags in the fridge or in a container at all times. You can chop it up quickly and have a few other vegetables prepped and on deck.

If we make food at home in the spirit of a small restaurant that needs to run smoothly for a week, we'll need to spend a little time preparing our portions as much as we can ahead of time.

Sports and reality TV can be watched while vegetables are cut up for salads for the next few days. Food processors are cool but I haven't used one worth mentioning for the sake of REALLY saving time and money. Hopefully in future editions I can share smme devices and their benefits.

I find that developing a habit of prepping your food for future occassions can work wonders for your eating patterns. It can give you the control that you need to stay on track. All you need is a great knife and a small or large cutting surface or board. Pull all of those country crock and 'I can't believe its not butter' containers in the cupboard out and start finally using them.

Putting it together ahead of time will give you an edge on any healthy eating efforts. Even if you fall off of a specific diet you can easily know where to make it up with good foods. You can also have a clear measurment of where you cheated and slacked off.

Its easy to slack off for three days straight and not quite remember more than HALF of what we ate. *guilty*

Set an alarm on your phone right now or use google calendar or your watch or whatever. Make it a time when you think you can take 20 mins to prep some onions, tomato, carrot, spinach, rasins and or grapes and make small 8 ounce containers of each. Even brown rice or quinoa can be put in a container for later.

If you're at work and you're a "microwave user" you can always heat the brown rice or quinoa and toss it into the salad. *pause*

*clears throat* Listen, the point I'm trying to make here is vegetables can be worked into your everyday eating habits if you prepare them at the same time over and over again. Get those containers out and let's get crackin!

More love,
