London Eats.

My vacation came and went so quickly that I never got a chance to post from Europe. It was not always an easy task to get wifi over there! Here is my food recap from London, where our vacation 

The first day we were so beat from traveling (I didn't sleep a wink on the plane) that we took it pretty easy. One of our first stops was to re-energize at a cafe. My family and I forgot that there really isn't "coffee" in Europe, only espresso drinks, so we looked like a bunch of silly Americans to them. I went for a classic cappuccino while the others went for a cafe Americano (espresso with steamed water). 

Soon after the cafe we hit our first British pub, The Sherlock Holmes Pub in Trafalgar Square. Not much later we called it a 
night, but not before some good eats. 

At this pub we tried some British beer and a pitcher of Pimm's Cup, a delicious and refreshing alcoholic beverage. I personally had never heard of this concoction before. Pimms is a British gin-based alcohol that is mixed with lemonade, 7 up, citrus fruits and cucumber to make what I would consider as a British sangria.

We split some pub food for the table and it was not to disappoint. So, some of the food wasn't the healthiest option on the menu, but we were going for the traditional foods and I  didn't think twice about it! 
Steak &Ale Pie & Mashed Potatoes

Fish and Chips with Fried Shrimp and Smashed Peas



That's all for now, return to tune in for some more of my culinary adventures in Europe! 
Have a happy and healthy week! 
