All that glitters..

It's that time of year again. The travelers are rushing and the shoppers are bustling. And with all of the dinners and snack foods around, by new years my thighs are touching and my gut is a-bustin.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all on top of each other like some kind of consumption orgy. It's all fun and games until our Christmas gifts don't fit and we loose the view of our feet.

It's interesting how so many long hours are spent preparing holiday dinners. Foods are cooked for extremely long periods of time eliminating much of its nutritional value. The more something is cooked, the less life giving nutrients it contains. Foods like greens, spinach and broccoli that are soft and mushy are dead. And unless you're willing to drink the water it was boiled or steamed in, chances are the vital minerals are lost.

Doing what we can to eat raw vegetables as often as possible is critical during this time of year. It's hard to show up at a dinner with your own "healthy" renditions of foods you like. Not only does it make you look like a jerk, but it separates you from friends and family in ways that most won't talk about. And the ones that will aren't usually nice about it to say the least.

So the trick here is to eat salads and raw alkalizing foods in between the holiday dinners. Right after Halloween and before Thanksgiving is the best time to find some green salad combinations you enjoy and begin eating more of them.  A small salad in the morning and a small salad at night. A green smoothie twice a day is also a great way to go.

Just get the raw greens in any way you can more frequently until new years. By then if it's not a habit to consume more greens at least you helped your body process all of the indulgence foods that were available for the past three months.

In addition to more greens, snacks like nuts and dried fruit are a great alternative to candy corn and KitKat minis. I'm not here to judge. Have your candy. But keep in mind how much of it you've had and as long as you're honest with yourself you'll be able to easily pull back and have a more nutritious snack to balance things out.

