healthy foods you can microwave

healthy foods you can microwave

microwave has a dream. it have eaten almost every food. however, it couldn't eat one food before dying. that is fruits. no one gives fruits to the microwave. so, the microwave has a dream. before dying, just once, it wants to eat fruits.

that is the dream of the microwave. hello. this is heopop. today, i brought this many fruits to come true the dream of microwave. you can see mandarins, lemons, oranges, apples, tomatoes, bananas, kiwis, peaches, grapes, a melon, a watermelon and an apple watermelon. then, how many minutes do i need to operate the microwave? 3 minutes, i'll do for 3 minutes. i'll go with an apple first. putting an apple and then microwave it for 3 minutes. i'll put the fruits over there.

i know apple is good. how about breaking the apple with my hands? wow, i did it. you saw it. i broke the apple with my hands! 1 minute and 20 seconds left. let's wait until it done. 2, 1, okay! open the door. here's microwaved apple. it looks like normal apple. but it is soft that i can make a hole.

it's different with the hard one before. i'll cut it. can you see it? it's hot! it boiled. it boiled like potatoes and sweet potatoes. then, i'll try it. oh~ it's hot! oh~ it tastes like potatoes.

it's really like potatoes. it's crispy but not tastes like apple. not at all. it tastes like crispy sweet potatoes. did i feel potatoes from the apple? what is that? next, i'll put grapes. i feel like the wine will appear. 3 minutes, go! during the microwave working,

i'll challenge to eat a bunch of grapes within 3 minutes. let's go! i don't like grapes that have seed in it but it doesn't have. i hear the simmer sound. i have still 2 more. zombie grapes? it looks like a zombie grape, huh? only for me? okay. it's time to eat it. oh~ it's softer than before.

it's originally soft. i know, it's originally soft. peeling the grape skin and.. it's hot! oh~ it tastes interesting but nice! it's interesting because it tastes like herbal medicine. i think i drank similar beverage before. ah! do you know "vin chaud"? it's really similar taste with vin chaud. i'll try it again. oh, it's nice. really.

but it's uncomfortable to peel the grape skin to eat. right? but it tasted really good. um~ it's good! i'll eat one more. it's interestingly good. it's warm. and it tastes grapes mixed with herbal medicine. it's really new. but the important thing is that it's good! it feels like became healthful fruit. for real.

next, i'll microwave a peach and a kiwi. ah~ i'm full. i'm doing nanta right now. got cut on the table. (danger! do not try this.) 3! 2! 1! okay. what do you think? oh~ i smell peach a lot. what?

it's same with before. then, i'll eat warm peach. cut like this and put it on the spoon. it tastes like just warm peach. it's same. i'll eat again. it's sweeter. it's nice. then, i'll cut kiwi.

oh~ it's watery. this one was gold kiwi had yellow flesh. the pulp is dark yellow now. then, i'll try it with spoon. i'm curious what taste will be like. i ate this kind of taste before. i felt same taste with something not a kiwi. i'll try one more. i knew it, but it's not same with kiwi taste.

what flavor is it? (kiwi = ginseng) this tastes like ginseng in ginseng chicken soup. it's like that. how kiwi tastes ginseng? what will be next? mandarin, lemon, orange. i'll put these and microwave them. i'll do it for 5 minutes. start!

i think the fruits are simmering now, but i'll keep waiting it. i heard pop sound. wow. i smell lemon and orange. and here're lots of juice from the popped fruits. it tastes like orange but i slightly taste medicine. it's interesting. i'll try lemon this time. if it sour or not. okay, i'll try it.

it's sour. lemon is still sour. mandarin this time. it's not taste like a mandarin. what flavor is it? it's interesting. i'm not sure about it. it's like a chestnut or a potato. it's not matched well but it tastes like that. it's weird. i'll put tomato this time.

let's see tomato sauce will be made or not if i microwave it start. tomato bursts! i don't smell tomato. i'll turn tomato upside down. oh~ it looks like pizza or pasta sauce. i'll eat it. eww~ i don't like it. maybe tomato was unripe.

but it's almost like tomato sauce that you can see supermarket. if i cook it more, it will be tomato sauce, right? maybe it's a step of it. but i don't like a taste right now. really. i have few fruits. i have a watermelo, a melon, and bananas. let's start with banana. put it to microwave. 3, 2, 1!

what is it? it's smell like poop little bit... and roasted chestnuts also. and banana peel was burnt but inside is okay. let's open it. open~ it looks like eggplant, right? i'm curious what taste it will be. it tastes poop? i thought it would taste similar with bananas.

it hardly tastes bananas. maybe rotten banana flavor? finally, i almost done. i'll microwave melon before watermelon. help yourself, microwave~ why it's not going in? enjoy it~ okay! it fits. 5 minutes.

it will not burst, right? while microwave is eating the melon, i'll try to make the water bottle stand. while microwave is eating the melon, while microwave is eating water bottle... i'll do it again! double! right! triple! no! i'll show you melon now.

nothing. oh~ melon is hot now. maybe there is something changed inside. what? there's nothing changed. it's a normal melon. it's just a warm melon. it tastes like melon too. it's nothing changed. normal melon. i feel like eating warm melon that placed hot outside one day. it's just a melon. nothing's changed.

it's good! melon is a just melon. here's today's highlight watermelon! microwave wanted to eat watermelon for summer time, right? people eat watermelon during summer. microwave just could see people eating and couldn't eat. i'll let the microwave eat watermelon. but i couldn't put in because it's too big.

so, i'll microwave an apple watermelon that is famous these days. it won't be popped, right? 5 minutes i'll break this huge watermelon during the waiting time. with my hand. it's easy, huh? don't try this at home. no... no...

oh! it really seems to be possible. i shouldn't do it. i'll shoot "cutting fruit with sword" next video. i finally made it. i'll take this out. the peel is like coated. it's glittery. then i'll cut the apple watermelon. now you guys are watching the watermelon from hell. the color is pinkish red or orange.

maybe brawn? it's like a jelly. it's soft. it's similar with boiled carrot. it's not crispy any more and i can't taste the sweet. it's like vegetable jelly. and the taste is like boiled carrot for real. today i made the microwave's dream to come true. i'll use this microwave well.

and fruits is the best when it's cold. you got it? bye guys! bye! uh? the seeds have escaped.
