
How Large Health Care Organizations Set the "Rules of the Game" to Dominate Health Care

BLOGSCAN: The Place Where the Compass Spins

"Government-Run Health Insurance" Run by Corporations? - Two Medicaid Examples

Those Who Dismiss Healthcare (and Healthcare IT) Adverse Events Reports as Mere "Anecdotes" Have Lost - Supreme Court-Style

The Institute of Medicine Releases Reports on Practice Guidelines and Systematic Reviews Which Generate Few Echoes

A Jury Finds Johnson and Johnson's Risperdal Marketing "Willfully Deceptive," but What Will It Take to Change Company Leadership?

Despite Poor Financial Results, Diminishing Pipeline, Multiple Settlements of Legal Cases, Outgoing Pfizer CEO Got Over $24 Million

Millions to Health Insurance CEOs, But Blame Everyone Else for Rising Health Care Costs

How Academic and Government "Anecdotes Are Not Data" Ideologues Kill People

Greek Yogurt & Granola Snack