
The Wages of Sin - a Small Illustration of How Executives Can Personally Profit from Bad Corporate Behavior in Health Care

Law and Order? - Bristol-Myers-Squibb Settles Case Alleging Fraud and Kickbacks, No Admissions of Guilt, No Individuals Charged

UnitedHealth's Optum Division Settles Case Alleging it Enrolled Non-Terminally Ill Patients in Hospice, Thus Risking Their Deaths Due to Treatable Illnesses

Abort, Retry, Fail - Billionaire Bill Gates Opines, Sans Evidence, on ... the Efficacy of Hepatitis C Treatment?

Two recent stories of EHR un-exceptionalism, and a connection to prior HC Renewal posts including my own experiences

Physicians go flatline on EHR enthusiasm

Bad Apple or Bad Orchard? - A Narrative of Alleged Individual Research Misconduct that Sidestepped the Pharmaceutical Corporate Context